What Are The 101 Dalmatians Names? (2024)

Published by Elizabeth Morgan

Have you ever wondered if all of the 101 dalmatians have names? Well, they don’t, but there are a fair amount of them that do. I’m going to tell you all of the known 101 Dalmatians names.

There was a 101 Dalmatians animated film that came out in 1961 and a live action version of the movie that came out in1996. Both of the movies are very famous, classic, and iconic. The dog names below are from both movies.

The movies follow Roger and Anita and their dalmatian dogs Pongo and Perdita. They have a litter of 15 puppies and adopt 84 more.

They have to save all of the dalmatian puppies from Cruella De Vil, Anita’s old schoolmate. Dalmatians are Cruella’s favorite of all the dog breeds and she is determined to turn the puppies into a fur coat for herself.

I’m sure you remember some of the dogs names like Pongo, Perdita, Lucky, and Patch, but there are a lot more names to learn.

Some of the names were given for really cute reasons that you can read about below. Other names are a little funny and odd.

Now that you know about the movies, let’s list out the 101 Dalmatians names!

What Are The 101 Dalmatians Names? (1)

101 Dalmatians Names

  • Pongo – Pongo is a male pup, is Perdita’s husband, and he’s the dad of the 101 dalmatian puppies. He’s very protective, playful, and also laid-back. His owner is Roger and they are the best of friends.
  • Perdita – Perdita is a female and she is Pongo’s wife. She is the mom of 15 puppies that she gave birth to and 84 more that are adopted in an effort to save them from Cruella. Her owner is Anita, who is married to Roger. She is elegant, sweet, and will do anything to save her pups.
  • Lucky – Lucky is a very memorable dalmatian puppy. He almost didn’t survive birth. He got his name because he has horseshoe shaped spot on his back. He is the runt of the litter and is small and shy. He is also very playful and cute.
  • Patch – Patch is one of the main puppies in the movies and is a well-known Disney dog. He is loud and rowdy. He has a little bit of a sibling rivalry with Lucky, but is also very close with him. He is the star of the movie 101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure.
  • Roly-Poly – He usually goes by Rolly. He is the biggest dog in the litter and is known for eating a lot. He frequently asks for food right after eating. He wears a red collar in the movies.
  • Freckles – Freckles is one of the 15 puppies that Perdita and Pongo originally had. He has little spots around his nose that look like freckles. He’s often found on top of Pongo’s head.
  • Penny – Penny is a little girl pup and she is also one of the original 15 puppies. She doesn’t have a ton of spots.
  • Jewel – She got her name because she has spots around her neck that look like a necklace. She is feminine, prim, and proper. She is the first puppy that Roger and Anita give a collar to.
  • Pepper – Pepper has the smallest spots of all the puppies. He tiny spots look like pepper, so it’s the perfect name for her.
  • Wizzer – This puppy is known for having a hard time with a weak bladder.
  • Fidget – Unfortunately, Fidget has fleas and gets his name from the way he scratches himself.
  • Dipstick – Dipstick got his name because he has a patch of black fur on the end of his tail.
  • Two-Tone – Two-tone is the fourth puppy to receive their collar. She has has one black ear and one white ear. One side of her body has spots and the other doesn’t.
  • Blackie
  • Whitie
  • Corky
  • Lenny
  • Jolly
  • Salter
  • Yoyo
  • Latch
  • Spanky
  • Nosey
  • Sport
  • Swifty
  • Speedy
  • Blob
  • Blot
  • Sleepy
  • Pokey
  • Dipper
  • Dot
  • Smokey
  • Bulgey
  • Bravo
  • Puddles
  • Tiger
  • Flapper
  • Spark
  • Wags
  • Plato
  • Playdoh
  • Dingo
  • Harvey
  • Pooh
  • Steve
  • Ham
  • Sa-Sa
  • Hoover
  • Lugnut
  • Kirby
  • Lugnut
  • Lumpy
  • Lipdip
  • Furrball
  • Steve
  • Cadpig
  • Oddball
  • Pickle

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101 Dalmatian Street Dog Names

This is a show that had one season in 2019. You can watch it on Disney+.

  • Dallas
  • Dante
  • Davinci
  • Dawkins
  • Dee Dee
  • Deepak
  • Deja Vu
  • Delgado
  • Delilah – She’s the mom on the show.
  • Destiny
  • Diesel
  • Dimitri 1
  • Dimitri 2
  • Dimitri 3
  • Diy
  • DJ
  • Dolly
  • Dorothy
  • Doug – Doug is the dad of the other 99 dogs on the show.
  • Dylan

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Other 101 Dalmatians Names

The following names are characters from Escape From Devil Manor, Little Squirts, and Proud To Be A Pup.

  • Bon-Bon
  • Dash
  • Missy
  • Patches
  • Pointy
  • Sugar

There you have it! Those are all of the 101 dalmatian names that are known.

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What Are The 101 Dalmatians Names? (2024)


What are the names of the Dalmatians in 101 Dalmatians? ›

What are the names of the Dalmatians? I presume you mean from 101 Dalmatians. The mother is named Perdita (or Perdy for short) and the father is Pongo. They have 15 puppies, six of whom are named in the movie: Rolly, Lucky, Penny, Pepper, Freckles, and Patch.

Why is it called 101 Dalmatians if there are only 15? ›

Because that's what the original novel by Dodie Smith was called. The Dalmatians consist of 97 puppies that Cruella de Vil kidnapped to make her Dalmatian coat, Pongo and Missus, the parents of a litter of 15 puppies and Perdita an old liver spotted Dalmatian hired as a wet nurse for Pongo and Missus puppies.

What are the names of the owners in 101 Dalmatians? ›

Roger Radcliffe (or Roger Dearly in the original book, live-action version and TV series) is a character from Disney's 1961 animated feature, film One Hundred and One Dalmatians and its sequel. He is the husband of Anita and owner, best friend, and "pet" to Pongo.

What are the names of the mom and dad and 101 Dalmatians? ›

Pongo and Perdita set out on a cross-country rescue mission to save the litter from the maniacal Cruella, in the process rescuing 84 additional ones, bringing the total of Dalmatians to 101. One Hundred and One Dalmatians was released in theaters on January 25, 1961, to critical acclaim, and was a box-office success.

Who are the 15 puppies in 101 Dalmatians? ›

Pongo and Perdita's 15 puppies are named Lucky, Thunder, Rolly, Patch, Pepper, Penny, Cadpig, Freckles, Purdy, Wizzer, Jewel, Dipstick, Two-Tone, Fidget, and Spotty. They are mostly named after their individual personalities or the way their spots look.

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Queenie, duch*ess, Countess, and Princess are minor characters from the film One Hundred and One Dalmatians.

Is Lucky from 101 Dalmatians a girl or boy? ›

Lucky is one of Pongo and Perdita's fifteen puppies. He is the puppy who nearly dies soon after his birth in both the animated and live-action films but was revived through the efforts of Roger Radcliffe.

Were there 99 puppies in 101 Dalmatians? ›

The Dalmatian Puppies comprise the vast majority of the titular characters of One Hundred and One Dalmatians and related media. Fifteen of them are Pongo and Perdita's puppies, who are kidnapped by the evil Cruella De Vil, and their parents journey off to go rescue them, eventually adopting the other 84.

Who is the villain in 101 Dalmatians? ›

Glenn Close portrays Cruella de Vil in the 1996 film 101 Dalmatians and its 2000 sequel 102 Dalmatians. The film reinvents Cruella as the vindictive, snobbish and very glamorous magnate of an haute couture fashion house, "House of De Vil", which specializes in fur couture.

Who is the girl dog in 101 Dalmatians? ›

Perdita is the female protagonist of the 1961 Disney animated feature film One Hundred and One Dalmatians. She is the pet of Anita, mate of Pongo, and the birth mother of 15 Dalmatian puppies as well as the adoptive mother of 84 more Dalmatian puppies.

Who is the female dog in 101 Dalmatians? ›

Pongo meets Perdy, a lovely female Dalmatian, and instantly falls in love with her. She gives birth to his 15 puppies. Perdy's owner falls in love with Pongo's owner in the movie.

Who is the fat dog in 101 Dalmatians? ›

Rolly is an obese Dalmatian puppy who first appeared in the 1961 animated film 101 Dalmatians. Rolly is named for his "rolly-polly" physique.

Are Pongo and Perdita siblings? ›

The likelihood is that they are the offspring of at least one of the Dalmatians Cruella took from the Baroness, meaning they're part of the same litter and thus siblings, which paints 101 Dalmatians in a slightly different light.

Who is the husband in 101 Dalmatians? ›

Roger Radcliffe (or Roger Dearly in the original book, live-action version and TV series) is a character from Disney's 1961 animated feature film, One Hundred and One Dalmatians and its 2003 sequel. He is the husband of Anita and owner, best friend, and "pet" to Pongo.

Who are the two dogs in 101 Dalmatians? ›

The Hundred and One Dalmatians is a 1956 children's novel by Dodie Smith about the kidnapping of a family of Dalmatian puppies. It was originally serialized in Woman's Day as The Great Dog Robbery, and details the adventures of two dalmatians named Pongo and Missis as they rescue their puppies from a fur farm.

How many Dalmatians were in 101 Dalmatians? ›

230 Dalmatian puppies and 20 adult Dalmatians were used during filming. Jeff Daniels (Roger) says that on more than one occasion, he heard an authoritative voice on the dog-strewn set shout "Sit!" and immediately plopped himself into a chair only to be told, "Not you, Jeff."

What is the fat Dalmatian puppy name? ›

Rolly is an obese Dalmatian puppy who first appeared in the 1961 animated film 101 Dalmatians. Rolly is named for his "rolly-polly" physique.


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