The Untold Truth Of Catfish Host Kamie Crawford - Nicki Swift (2024)


The Untold Truth Of Catfish Host Kamie Crawford - Nicki Swift (1)

Mireya Acierto/Getty Images

ByAmanda Ray Byerly/

Television personality Kamie Crawford is perhaps best known for her role on MTV's popular docuseries "Catfish." On the show, Kamie and fellow co-hosts Nev Schulman and Max Joseph help romantic hopefuls determine whether or not their love interest is whom they claim to be, or simply a wolf in sheep's clothing trolling the internet for unsuspecting victims.

"Basically my job involves me traveling around the country and helping people find their long lost loves and often giving strangers the hard truth even if it hurts," Kamie explained to VoyageLA in March of 2020. "I try to do everything with compassion and be the best friend they need who gives it to them straight," she continued.

But as it turns out, her role on "Catfish" is merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the many facets of this ambitious young woman. Keep reading after the jump to learn all there is to know about Kamie Crawford!

Kamie Crawford is a former pageant girl

The Untold Truth Of Catfish Host Kamie Crawford - Nicki Swift (2)

Marc Stamas/Getty Images

What many may not know is that popular television host Kamie Crawford got her start competing in beauty pageants.As reported by New York Post, Kamie dove headfirst into the pageant circuit at the ripe age of 17. "I was enamored," she recalled after being exposed to pageant life.

"I was like, 'These girls are so young but they can speak so eloquently.'" Soon after, she embarked on her pageant journey and quickly experienced her first victory. "I ended up winning on my first try," she recounted about snagging theMiss Maryland Teen USA title. She would eventually go on to win the highly coveted title of Miss Teen USA as well.

While Kamie maintained that she carried a lot of her pageant training over into other areas of her life, she also admitted there were some aspects of the pageant biz she had to "unlearn." According to Kamie, an integral part of beauty pageant training is learning to remain neutral and essentially be a people-pleaser. "It's a different way of speaking so that you don't offend anybody. You have to always see both sides of everything," she explained.

Since then, however, she has adopted a new mantra: "My point of view matters," she declared before adding,"[Learning that] took time."

Kamie Crawford initially wanted to be a doctor

The Untold Truth Of Catfish Host Kamie Crawford - Nicki Swift (3)

Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images

During an interview with VoyageLA, Kamie Crawford dished that life could've turned out much differently for her had she stuck with her initial plan to become a doctor. Referring to what was "the best decision" she ever made, Kamie explained that after winning Miss Teen USA 2010, many on-camera opportunities started coming her way and eventually spurred her to leave her pre-med major behind and make the switch to communication studies.

As reported by Washington Examiner, the former medical school hopeful was interested in dermatology. "I want to start on medical school, and I want to become a dermatologist. I'm accepted into the University of Alabama pre-med program,"Kamie explained when asked about the goals she had set for herself.

While she may not be in the business of diagnosing skin, hair, and nail maladies, we imagine that serving as a spokesperson for the famous personal care brand Dove satisfies that itch pretty well!

Kamie Crawford is not a fan of dieting

The Untold Truth Of Catfish Host Kamie Crawford - Nicki Swift (4)

Jamie Mccarthy/Getty Images

During a candid interview with the New York Post, Kamie Crawford spoke openly about the pressure to be a size zero in the beauty pageant world. "I dropped from [size] six or a four to a zero," she revealed. Alas it was still not enough. "I got so much flak because next to [someone who is] naturally a size zero I am ­going to look bigger — because I'm not supposed to be a size zero," she stated matter of factly.

Eventually, however, Kamie came to her senses and opted to go against the grain, instead of leaning into the demands of diet culture. "I'll never put my body through that ever again," she stressed.

These days, it appears, Kamie would much rather enjoy good food than deprive herself. When asked about her self-care rituals during a Q&A with, she responded, "A scalding hot shower, a glass of wine and some great Chinese food usually does the trick for me!"to which we say: DITTO!

Kamie Crawford is big on the power of manifestation

Another practice Kamie Crawford is a fan of? Manifestation.

Kamie dished to that it was ultimately the power of manifestation that helped her land the gig of a lifetime on MTV's docuseries, "Catfish." "I didn't know where my career was going, but I made the decision to put it all in God's hands and manifest TF out of everything," she confessed. "Once I did that, I got the email about 'Catfish.' Sometimes you have to realize that there is already a divine purpose for your life – so while you're busy making plans, you have to know in your heart that the path has already been paved for you, you just have to follow it where it leads."

Kamie further alluded to her strong belief in manifestation with an Instagram postin which she officially announced her hosting position with the famous show. "I AM THE NEW CO-HOST OF @MTVCATFISH," she gushed before closing the post with the hashtag "ManifestEverything."

Kamie Crawford is not a morning person

The Untold Truth Of Catfish Host Kamie Crawford - Nicki Swift (6)

Marc Flores/Getty Images

Does the early bird really get the worm? According to Kamie Crawford, not necessarily.Though Kamie is very much a go-getter, that doesn't automatically make her a morning person. In fact, during an Q&A sesh with, she revealed her day usually doesn't start until around 9 a.m. "Mornings, I will admit, are not my strong suit. If I'm not filming early, I like to sleep as much as I can," Kamie confessed.

She also revealed to the New York Post that finding a partner who understands and respects her work schedule has been difficult in the past. "I've been in relationships in the past where the person's like, 'Why are you sleeping in 'til 10 a.m. on a Thursday?'" Kamie recalled. "Because I work Friday until Wednesday! It's a different kind of dynamic."

Lucky for Kamie, her current beau, Gordon Dillard, is no stranger to show biz — though his area of expertise is more so behind the scenes. "One time I had to travel to Phoenix, AZ to film while he was in the same city for a music festival! It's always been like that and it really helps," Kamie gushed about the dynamics of her relationship. "It's also just great being with someone who gets the industry and my frustrations overall — we're constantly planning together and running ideas by each other, but even we have to set aside time with no phones and just enjoy one another," she added.


The Untold Truth Of Catfish Host Kamie Crawford - Nicki Swift (2024)


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