The Definitive Toon Deck 2021 - YGOPRODeck (2024)

Toons are an archetype that gets pooped on for being so incredibly expensive but bad. Let me tell you that Toons can and are very deceiving. While it's not a top-tier meta deck Toons are unpredictable and you can often pull out surprising results. I'll go over all the cards in the deck and why we play them FAQs at the bottom

Toon Ancient Gear Golem- A worse version of Toon BLS in every way so why do we run it you might ask? I like to go into rank 8 XYZ monsters quite often so having a different level 8 monsters to search out with Toon Page-Flip makes it easier. But like I said it's a worse Toon BLS so we run an extra in the side deck so you can switch it out if not needed.

0-1 Copies Toon Black Luster Soldier- The BEST card in the deck maybe besides Toon Dark Magician. Can attack the same turn it's summoned(which is only toon card able to do so). Can be special summoned from the hand by sending cards to the grave in the hand or field whose level is 8 or more. So you could bring this card out the first turn if you wanted to. Also can banish any card on the field at the cost of not being able to attack that turn

2-3 Copies Toon Dark Magician- Another card that can be considered the best card in the deck. By discarding one Toon card you can special summon ANY Toon monster from the deck except itself (great for comboing with Red Eyes). Also instead of special summoning, you can add any Toon spell/trap to your hand.

3 Copies Toon Red-Eyes Black Dragon- Lets you special summon any Toon monster from the hand. Easy to bring out with Black Stone of Legend or Toon Dark Magician. Not as good as Dark Magician though so that's why we only run two.

0-2 Copies Toon Cyber Dragon- Literally only played so we can go into Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon. If you don't run that card don't run this one.

Copies 0-1 Toon Mermaid- One of the few Toons that can special summon itself to the field for free. It's an old Class A toon monster though so besides going into Bahamut Shark or using it as tribute fodder(If you have to do that) it's sort of useless but, it's a free summon.

2-3 Copies Toon Harpie Lady- Another card that can be special summoned from the hand plus the bonus of destroying a spell/trap card if you control another Toon Monster.

3 Copies The Black Stone of Legend- Lets you bring out a Toon Red-Eyes from the deck which in turn lets you special summon another Toon from the Hand. It can also shuffle Red-Eyes back into the deck from the graveyard while returning itself to the hand.

Copy(If you have Red-Eyes) Terraforming- This lets you get to your Toon Kingdoms which isTHE MOST ESSENTIALcard in the deck.

1 Copy Mimicat- Let's you take a monster or spell/trap from your opponent's graveyard.0-2Copies

Toon Table of Contents- Can search any Toon card from the deck. Gives you access to 96% of the deck with 1 card.

3 Copies Toon Bookmark- Amazing support card. Can search out any card that contains Toon World. Also, you can banish it from the grave to protect a Toon World or Toon Kingdom you control. Make sure to remember this card can't search out things like Toon Briefcase or TToC.

3 Copies Toon Page-Flip- Choose any 3 Toon Monsters from the deck, opponent picks 1 and random and you special summon it. It's that simple and that good.

3 Copies Comic Hand- Unbanned Snatch Steal what else can I say.

2-3 Copies Toon Kingdom- This single card is why we can even say toons are SLIGHTLY playable now. It protects all Toon Monsters from destruction by battle or card effect at the cost of banishing 1 card from the top of your deck facedown. It also counts as Toon World while on the field so it can be protected by Toon Bookmark.

3 Copies Toon World- Since Toon World is so essential even though we have Toon Kingdom and terraforming we still run 1 normal Toon World just to be safe.

0-1 Copies Toon Briefcase- A non-targeting bounce to the deck.

2-3 Copies ToonTerror- An Omni-negate lol.

2-3 Copies

Extra & Side Deck- All the cards are pretty self-explanatory on why we run them. I don't go into them much besides Number 38 and 100 but they are all there to deal with different threats you can be facing.

FAQs First or Second?This deck can do both but I prefer to go first. You almost always can get Toon Kingdom on the first turn so that gives all you Toons protection. It also lets you set up your amazing traps. Going second does have its benefits like being able to Comic Hand your opponent's boss monster for an OTK but overall I would sayFirst. Are Toons Bad?Before the support yes but after...mostly yes. Should I Attack Directly?I do most of the time. Unless your opponent has an obvious combo piece of the field. Don't forget about BLS's banish too. When To Go Into Extra Deck Monsters?For the most part, you aren't unless you can OTK with Number 100. Being able to attack directly every turn will hurt any deck but that doesn't mean it isn't there. The extra deck is mainly for protection so use it when needed. How to deal with MTS/Cosmic Vortex/HarpiesDuster?I'll be real with you for a second, your Toon World WILL be destroyed a lot. But, unlike old toon decks at least your monsters don't get destroyed. You can only try and prevent this by getting as many Toon Bookmark's in the grave as possible so always go TToC->Toon Bookmark->Desired Card.

The Definitive Toon Deck 2021 - YGOPRODeck (2024)


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