Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (2024)

Cincy Shopper Other

By Jen Cincyshopper

on Dec 01, 2020, Updated Jan 03, 2024

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Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are a creamy and crunchy treat that you only need the stovetop to make. You’ll love this easy, no bake recipe!

No bake cookies are an easy way to whip up a big batch of snacks or treats without having to crowd up the oven. Our Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are easy to make and oh-so delicious- creamy peanut butter, plenty of sugar, and a bit of crunch!

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (2)

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies

When I want to whip up a dessert that’s no-stress and low-effort, I’m always looking for a no bake recipe. As delicious as baked goods are, no bakes take a lot of the hard stuff out of the process. At most, the only real “cooking” you have to do is on the stovetop or in the microwave- after that, sitting in the fridge, freezer, or on the counter is all that’s left! You still get tasty desserts in the end anyway, and these Cornflake Cookies are just one example of the simple delicious recipe you can make.

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (3)

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Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (4)

We keep this recipe simple: 5 ingredients, a bit of time on the stovetop, and a bit of time to cool. You don’t even need to clear space in the fridge for our cookies- they’ll cool quickly on the countertop! The result is dead-simple cookies that are equal parts creamy, crunchy, and sugary-sweet.

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (5)

If you’ve got a big crowd you want to make cookies for, no bake cookies are a safe and easy bet. If you work quickly, you could have these sweets ready within an hour- cooling time included! I know you’ll love them- hope you enjoy them!

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (6)

Loved our Cornflake Cookies? Try these other easy cookie recipes!

  • A long-time favorite of mine has been our No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe! Who doesn’t love that classic combo of chocolate and peanut butter- and with how quick you can make these cookies up, it’s the best way to scratch that itch.

  • No Bake Avalanche Cookies are another sweet, peanut-y treat that’s simple and easy to make. Using a mixture of white chocolate, melting chocolate, and peanut butter, you get a delicious and creamy cookie that needs no cooking!

  • While you do have to bake our 3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies, I’m certain you won’t find a shorter ingredients list! The process is simple too: just mix together some sugar, peanut butter, and an egg to make a simple cookie dough that’ll bake up in less than 20 minutes!

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (7)

Ingredients for Peanut Butter Cookies

  • Peanut Butter – Use the creamy kind!

  • White Sugar

  • Corn Syrup – We used light corn syrup in our cookies.

  • Vanilla Extract

  • Corn Flakes

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (8)

How to make our No Bake Cornflake Cookies

With such a short ingredients list, it’s no surprise that these cookies are so easy to make! First off, add your peanut butter, sugar, and corn syrup to a large saucepot and put it on the stovetop over medium/medium-high heat.

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (9)

Stir this mixture constantly to keep our sugar from burning up. As it warms up, all the ingredients should start coming together much easier as they warm up. Eventually, the mix should start to reach a light boil.

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (10)

When it reaches a boil, turn the heat down low and add in your vanilla extract and stir it in briefly. Right after that, add in your cornflakes.

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (11)

Stir and fold in your cornflakes, making sure that you get them nice and evenly-coated in that peanut butter/sugar mixture. While everything is still nice and warm, use something like a small ice cream scoop to start scooping out balls of our no bake cookie dough. Drop them onto a baking sheet, plate, or other flat surface lined with parchment paper.

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (12)

In about half-an-hour, your cookies should be cooled down and hardened. Once you’ve given them this time to set, they should be ready to eat! Enjoy!

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (13)

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Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies

By: Jen CIncyshopper

Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are a creamy and crunchy treat that you only need the stovetop to make. You'll love this easy, no bake recipe!

Prep: 18 minutes mins

Cook: 1 minute min

Servings: 18


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  • 1 cup Corn Syrup
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1 cup Peanut Butter
  • 1 1/2 tsp Vanilla
  • 6 cup Corn Flakes


  • In a large pan, combine the corn syrup, sugar and peanut butter.

  • Cook over medium heat until it begins to boil, stirring constantly.

  • Reduce heat to low and stir in the vanilla.

  • Add corn flakes and fold until evenly coated.

  • Using a scoop or large spoon, drop cookies onto parchment paper.

  • Allow to cool before serving.


Calories: 215kcal, Carbohydrates: 36g, Protein: 4g, Fat: 7g, Saturated Fat: 2g, Sodium: 146mg, Potassium: 109mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 28g, Vitamin A: 167IU, Vitamin C: 2mg, Calcium: 9mg, Iron: 3mg

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Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (15)

About Jen Cincyshopper

A lover of food and frugal living. A wife to a wonderful hubby, momma to 5 fun kiddos. Welcome to my blog. You will find REAL TASTY RECIPES. Be sure to subscribe to my email list and follow me on social media, to never miss a recipe.

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Peanut Butter Cornflake Cookies are an Easy No Bake Recipe! (2024)


What is no bake cookies made of? ›

Directions. Bring sugar, margarine, milk, cocoa, and salt to a rapid boil in a saucepan for 1 minute. Add quick-cooking oats, peanut butter, and vanilla; mix well. Working quickly, drop by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper and let cool.

What is peanut butter cookie made of? ›

If that wasn't enough, these peanut butter cookies are made with just four ingredients: peanut butter, egg, vanilla extract, and sugar. The result is a tender, buttery cookie that's a perfect balance of nutty and sweet. They're perfect on their own, a quick dessert or snack for after dinner or a last-minute party.

What makes no-bake cookies harden? ›

There are three mechanisms I know of by which a no-bake cookie might harden:
  • Sugar recrystallizing. If your no-bake cookie requires you to melt sugar and then stir other ingredients in, after the sugar cools back down to room temperature, it will harden. ...
  • Dehydration. ...
  • Congealing butter and/or chocolate.
Oct 29, 2016

Why are my no-bake cookies always dry? ›

Boiling too long will cause the cookies to be dry and crumbly. However, if you don't boil long enough the cookies will not set and will be runny. Some folks say bring the mixture to a rolling boil and then count to 60, while others swear by counting to 90.

Why are my 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies falling apart? ›

The wrong type of peanut butter may cause them to fall apart. Or using old eggs may create crumbly cookies. How long do peanut butter cookies last?

Why do homemade peanut butter cookies fall apart? ›

Why are my cookies dry and crumbly? This is most likely a classic case of using too much flour. It's crucial to properly measure the flour in this recipe, as even 1 extra tablespoon of flour can completely change the structure of the cookies. You also might have over baked them!

Are Chips Ahoy actually baked? ›

Chips Ahoy! is an American chocolate chip cookie brand, baked and marketed by Nabisco, a subsidiary of Mondelez International, that debuted in 1963.

Do no bake cookies contain gluten? ›

As the name implies, no bake cookies are, in fact, not baked. All it takes is a handful of ingredients and just a few minutes (literally!) to make these wonderful cookies. And they are naturally gluten free. HOWEVER, please make sure to get gluten free quick oats.

Are no sugar cookies healthy? ›

Sugar-free recipes can be a healthier alternative to regular recipes, but it depends on the specific ingredients and overall nutritional composition of the recipe.

What is cookies made out of? ›

Recipes for cookies are highly variable. Probably the most popular cookies in the United States are those that are based on a simple dough of flour, butter, sugar, and egg, to which a variety of flavouring and texturizing ingredients, such as chocolate chips, oatmeal, raisins, or peanut butter, may be added.


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