Best Gravel for Horse Stalls & Runs: Ultimate Guide | Performance Footing (2024)

If you’re on the hunt to create the perfect environment for your horses, you’ve likely pondered over the best base for your stalls, runs, paddocks, turnouts, or even arena bases. The choice between a permeable base versus a solid one like concrete is significant, not only for the health and comfort of your horses but also for the ease of maintenance and the longevity of your facilities. In this guide, we’re diving deep into the world of gravel and aggregates – the unsung heroes of horse stall and run construction.

Why focus on gravel or aggregate, you might wonder? The answer lies in the balance of drainage, durability, and the natural comfort these materials offer to our four-legged friends. Unlike concrete, a permeable base allows water to pass through, dramatically reducing standing water and the dreaded mud that can accompany rainy seasons. This is not just about keeping the area looking neat; it’s about ensuring a healthier environment for your horses, minimizing the risk of hoof diseases, and providing a stable yet forgiving surface for them to walk, run, and rest on.

Throughout this blog, we’ll explore the various types of gravel and aggregates suitable for different horse facilities – from stalls and runs to paddocks, turnouts, and arenas. We’ll discuss the importance of permeability over impermeable surfaces like concrete, not just for drainage but also for your ease of maintenance and the overall well-being of your equine companions.

So, whether you’re building from scratch or considering an upgrade to your existing facilities, this guide is tailored for you, the horse owner, who seeks to blend practicality with the utmost care for your horses. Let’s embark on this journey together, exploring the best materials to create a foundation that stands the test of time while providing a safe and comfortable haven for your horses.

Laying the Groundwork: Picking the Perfect Gravel or Aggregate

Kicking off your project to build or spruce up horse stalls, or runs begins with laying down the right foundation. It’s like choosing the perfect saddle for a trail ride; you need something that’ll go the distance, offering both comfort, stability, moisture wicking and durability. In the world of horse enclosures, gravel and aggregates are your go-to options. They’re the unsung heroes that ensure your horses move happily, regardless of the weather. But here’s the kicker – not every type of gravel is a fit for every stall or run. The secret sauce? Permeability.

Why Go Permeable?

Imagine a downpour hits, and instead of your horse splashing around in a muddy mess, the water drains away, leaving a stable, dry surface behind. That’s the magic of choosing a permeable material like gravel over a solid, unyielding one like concrete. It’s not just about keeping their hooves dry; it’s about fostering a healthier environment where your horses can thrive, free from the worry of hoof diseases and uncomfortable bedding.

Now, navigating the world of gravel and aggregates might seem daunting. Do you go for pea gravel, crushed stone, or something entirely different? Each option has its perks and quirks. For instance, pea gravel is gentle on hooves but can shift under weight, while crushed stone offers more stability but might be a tad rougher on their feet.

And here’s where a bit of expert advice can go a long way. Our experienced team at Performance Footing offers free consultations to help you navigate these choices, ensuring you lay down a foundation that’s not just durable but also horse-approved. There are plenty of alternatives out there, and while we have our favorites, the goal is always to tailor the solution to your specific needs – and of course, the preferences of our hoofed family members.

Building from the Ground Up: The Layers of a Permeable Base

Constructing the ideal environment for your horse involves more than just picking the right spot; it’s about building from the ground up, layer by layer, to ensure a foundation that not only drains well but also provides unparalleled support and stability. Each layer of construction plays a pivotal role, from the choice of gravel or sand right down to the geotextile that separates and protects. Let’s unpack these layers to understand how they come together to form a permeable, horse-friendly base.

The Top Layer: Gravel or Sand Selection

The surface your horses will interact with daily is crucial. The top layer, which we will delve into more deeply later on, involves choosing the right type of gravel or sand. This choice impacts everything from drainage to comfort under hoof, making it essential to select a material that suits your specific needs and the preferences of your equine friends. Whether it’s the drainage-friendly nature of gravel or the soft, forgiving surface of sand, this layer sets the stage for a healthy, functional space.

The Middle Layer: The Role of BaseCore Geocell

Beneath the surface, the BaseCore geocell layer acts as the backbone of your permeable base, offering essential stabilization and support. Imagine it as the underlying structure that holds everything together, ensuring that the top layer remains even and well-distributed, despite the constant movement and weight of your horses. This innovative geocell technology is designed to improve load distribution, prevent erosion, and maintain the integrity of your base over time.

The Base Layer: Laying Down Geotextile

At the very bottom lies the geotextile layer, a crucial component that separates the subgrade soil from your carefully chosen gravel or sand. This separation is key to preventing the mixing of materials, which can compromise the permeability and stability of your base. More than just a barrier, the geotextile enhances drainage, ensuring that water flows through the base, away from the surface, keeping your horse’s living area dry and comfortable.

Building a permeable base is akin to crafting a multi-layered masterpiece, where each component plays a critical role in the overall functionality and longevity of the space. From the drainage-enhancing top layer of gravel or sand to the stabilizing influence of BaseCore geocell, down to the protective geotextile layer, every element comes together to create an environment that’s not just suitable for your horses but truly beneficial for their health and happiness.

Selecting the Right Drainage Rock or Aggregate

When it comes to building a horse stall, run, paddock, turnout, or arena, choosing the correct type of drainage rock or aggregate forms the bedrock of your project. It’s not just about picking a material that looks right; it’s about ensuring longevity, stability, and the all-important permeability to keep the area free of mud and comfortable for your horses. While BaseCore geocell comes highly recommended to stabilize this layer for years, offering your horses a consistently firm base, today we’ll focus on the specifics of selecting the right drainage rock or aggregate. For those interested in the installation process of BaseCore geocell, we delve into those details in other blogs on our site.

The ideal size for drainage rock or aggregate in these applications is between 3/8″ to 1/2″ minus. This specification is crucial for achieving a compactable base that locks together well, yet remains permeable. The key here is to avoid rounded rocks like pea gravel, which, while popular for certain applications, don’t offer the same level of compaction or stability due to their shape. The angular, compactable rock is what you’re aiming for, with smaller sizes including fines that help the material to compact nicely. This also ensures that, should any pieces become dislodged, they’re less likely to cause stone bruises – a common concern among horse owners.

Let’s compare some of the common types of stones and aggregates that fit within our criteria, such as stone dust, crush and run, decomposed granite, and why we generally steer clear of pea gravel for these specific applications.

Stone Dust

  • Pros: Stone dust excels in compaction, leading to a stable and firm surface that remains permeable. It’s also an economical choice for large projects.
  • Cons: While dust is less of a concern with proper footing on top, stone dust’s compaction level may vary with moisture, requiring attention to maintain optimal permeability and drainage.

Crush and Run

  • Pros: Offers exceptional stability and compaction due to the mix of small stones and stone dust, creating a solid base suitable for various equine activities.
  • Cons: Its compact nature might affect drainage efficiency over time, necessitating periodic adjustments to ensure ongoing permeability.

Decomposed Granite

  • Pros: Provides a balance between aesthetic appeal and functionality with good compaction and stability, suitable for areas visible to the public or within a more natural setting.
  • Cons: The higher cost and potential need for additives to maintain structure and drainage can add to the project’s complexity and expense.

Pea Gravel

  • Pros: Known for its drainage capabilities and being gentle on hooves, pea gravel can be a good top layer option over a more compact base.
  • Cons: Its rounded nature means it doesn’t compact as well as angular materials, potentially affecting the overall stability of the base layer and requiring more frequent maintenance to avoid shifting.

Limestone Screenings

  • Pros: Excellent for creating a compact, stable base that still allows water to permeate effectively. It offers a smoother surface that’s kind on horses’ hooves.
  • Cons: The potential for retaining moisture more than other materials might necessitate enhanced drainage solutions in areas prone to heavy rainfall or standing water.

The main takeaway here is the importance of the physical shape and compatibility of the material. Angular, compactable rocks with a size smaller than 3/4″, including fines, are preferable for creating a compact, stable, and permeable base. While each option has its advantages, the goal is to weigh these against your specific needs, considering factors like permeability, stability, and dust control. Remember, the foundation you lay down now is what stands between your horses and the elements, so choosing wisely will pay dividends in the health and happiness of your equine companions for years to come.

Optimizing Stall and Run Footing with Permeability in Mind

Creating an ideal living and exercise environment for horses involves not just the structural integrity of stalls and runs but also ensuring these spaces have optimal footing. Permeability is a key factor in this equation, promoting effective drainage and maintaining a dry, comfortable surface for horses. Let’s explore permeable footing options designed to enhance both stalls and runs, focusing on those that encourage water flow and minimize moisture retention.

Permeable Footing Options for Stalls

Permeable Rubber Mats: Advanced designs in rubber matting now offer permeable options that allow water and urine to drain through, keeping the stall surface dry and reducing bedding usage.

  • Advantages: Easy to clean and maintain, they provide a durable, comfortable surface that’s gentle on horses’ joints.
  • Considerations: Initial installation cost and the need for an adequately prepared base to ensure effective drainage.

Porous Stall Tiles: These interlocking tiles are designed specifically for equine stalls, with built-in drainage channels that allow liquids to flow away from the surface.

  • Advantages: They offer a stable, cushioned footing that’s resilient against wear and easy to install.
  • Considerations: Like permeable rubber mats, the effectiveness of porous stall tiles depends on a properly constructed base for optimal drainage.

Permeable Footing Options for Runs

Angular Sand: Choosing an angular sand with larger particle sizes helps prevent compaction, allowing water to filter through more effectively than with finer sands.

  • Advantages: It provides a stable yet forgiving surface that’s easy on the hooves, with natural filtration properties that support drainage.
  • Considerations: Angular sand may need regular maintenance to prevent surface compaction and ensure continued permeability.

Graded Gravel and Sand Mix: A combination of graded gravel topped with a layer of angular sand can create a highly permeable footing for runs, allowing for excellent drainage.

  • Advantages: The gravel layer improves drainage, while the sand layer offers a comfortable walking and running surface for horses.
  • Considerations: The depth and ratio of gravel to sand need to be carefully managed to maintain permeability and comfort.

Wood Chips or Organic Mulches: While not as traditional for runs, wood chips or organic mulches can offer a permeable, natural footing option that absorbs moisture and provides a soft surface.

  • Advantages: They can be a cost-effective solution that also contributes to the aesthetic of natural outdoor spaces.
  • Considerations: Over time, organic materials will decompose, requiring replacement. They may also retain moisture if not properly managed, necessitating a well-drained base layer.

Selecting the right permeable footing for your horse’s stall or run is crucial for promoting a healthy, dry, and comfortable environment. Each option has its unique set of advantages and considerations, emphasizing the importance of matching the footing material to the specific needs of your facility and the well-being of your horses. By focusing on permeability, you can ensure that your equine companions enjoy a superior living and exercise space, tailored to support their health and happiness.

FAQs on Gravel Permeability and Build Considerations for Stalls and Runs

How does gravel permeability benefit my horse’s stall or run?

Gravel permeability is crucial for ensuring effective drainage, which keeps stalls and runs dry and comfortable for horses. It prevents the accumulation of water and urine, significantly reducing the risk of hoof diseases and creating a healthier living environment. Permeable gravel layers facilitate quick drainage away from the surface, keeping the area clean and reducing unpleasant odors.

Can permeable gravel bases help in preventing urine smell in stalls and runs?

Absolutely. A permeable gravel base allows urine to drain away from the surface efficiently, preventing it from pooling and fermenting, which can cause strong odors. To enhance this effect, ensure that the gravel layer is sufficiently deep and is topped with an appropriate bedding material that can absorb and filter urine through to the gravel layer below.

How does the choice of gravel impact the risk of colic in horses?

The risk of colic can increase if horses ingest sand or fine gravel, which can accumulate in the gut. To mitigate this risk, use larger, angular gravel sizes that are less likely to stick to forage or be ingested by horses. Additionally, maintain a clean feeding area with raised feeders or mats to minimize the chance of sand or gravel ingestion.

What considerations should I take into account for stability when choosing gravel for horse stalls and runs?

For optimal stability, choose angular, compactable gravel that locks together to form a firm yet permeable base. The angular edges of the gravel pieces interlock, creating a stable surface that can withstand the weight and movement of horses without significant shifting or compaction over time.

How do I address potential dust issues with gravel in horse stalls and runs?

Dust can be a concern, especially in dry conditions. To minimize dust from gravel, consider the following:

  • Choose larger, angular gravel sizes that are less likely to generate dust.
  • Apply a dust suppressant product like DustHalt designed for use in horse stalls and runs.
  • Regularly moisten the gravel surface during dry periods to keep dust at bay.
  • Ensure that the top layer of bedding or sand is sufficient to act as a barrier between the horse and the gravel base.

What type of gravel is recommended for the best drainage and permeability?

For the best drainage and permeability, 3/8″ to 1/2″ minus crushed stone is often recommended. This size allows for excellent compaction and stability while maintaining enough gaps for water to drain effectively. Ensure that the gravel is angular rather than rounded to enhance interlocking and stability.

Can I use pea gravel for my horse’s stall or run?

While pea gravel is known for its drainage capabilities and being gentle on hooves, its rounded shape doesn’t offer the same level of compaction and stability as angular gravel. It can shift underfoot, which may lead to uneven surfaces. If using pea gravel, it’s best utilized in areas where minimal compaction is desired, and it should be layered over a more stable base material.

Building the Perfect Base for Your Horses

The quest for the perfect base isn’t just about picking gravel off a list; it’s about understanding the science of permeability. This magic element is what keeps stalls and runs dry and welcoming, away from the dangers of hoof diseases and uncomfortable bedding. Whether it’s the right type of sand, a layer of graded gravel, or innovative solutions like permeable rubber mats, each choice brings something special to the table.

Delving into the layers that make up a stellar base showed us the importance of every single component. From the top layer of gravel or sand to the essential support of BaseCore geocell and the protective barrier of geotextile, every piece has its role in crafting a space that’s not just usable but genuinely beneficial for our horses.

Now, if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the choices and considerations, don’t worry. That’s exactly why we’re here. At Performance Footing, we understand the nuances involved in selecting the right materials for your project. We offer free consultations to help guide you through the maze of options. Whether it’s picking the perfect rock and sand, understanding the benefits of BaseCore geocell, or figuring out the best geotextile for your needs, we’ve got the expertise to help you make the best decisions for your equine companions.

Choosing the right foundation is a decision that affects not just the aesthetics of your space but, more importantly, the health and happiness of your horses. It’s a testament to the care and thought we put into their well-being. So whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to upgrade your current setup, remember, a little expert advice can go a long way. Reach out to us at Performance Footing for a chat about how we can help you create a haven for your horses that stands the test of time. Here’s to building a better world underfoot for our beloved equine friends!

Best Gravel for Horse Stalls & Runs: Ultimate Guide | Performance Footing (2024)


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