A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (2024)

When you think of penguins, flightless birds with tuxedo patterns probably come to mind.

While that iconic image is arguably the most well-known, there are more than twenty different types of penguins spanning every continent in the southern hemisphere.

A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (1)

This diverse list features several different types of penguins and will explore the variations and differences in these arctic birds.

Read on to learn all about the many different kinds of penguins and the fascinating lives they lead.

Royal Penguin

Named for the regal, yellow plumes on their heads, Royal Penguins are a medium-sized variety of penguins with white or pale gray faces that closely resemble Macaroni Penguins.

A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (2)

They are easily distinguished from Macaroni penguins because Royal Penguins are about twenty percent larger.

Male Royal Penguins grow larger than female Royals, and young Royal Penguins have less luxurious crests than adults.

When the breeding season begins, these penguins weigh around eight to thirteen pounds, but they slim down to about six pounds by the end.

A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (3)

They settle in large colonies on the Australian Islands, including Macquarie, Bishop, and Clerk.

Galapagos Penguin

While most penguin species live in colder areas, some species, like the Galapagos Penguin, live in more temperate regions.

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These birds live the furthest north of any penguin species and spend their lives in tropical climates.

These burrow-dwelling penguins are closely related to the Magellanic, African, and Humboldt Penguins.

You can identify a Galapagos Penguin by the white band running under their chins and the black horseshoe shapes near their bellies.

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Galapagos Penguins subsist on sardines, anchovies, and other cold-water schooling fish. These tropical penguins mate for life and incubate their young for thirty-five to forty days.

Humboldt Penguin

The Humboldt Penguin is a mid-sized species that weighs about ten pounds and measures around 26 to 28 inches long.

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They have a white undercarriage, blackish-gray upper regions, black heads, and a black breast band. Humboldt Penguins also have black bills with light-pink bases.

They like to make homes on rocky coasts and islands in the southeastern Pacific, where they feed on the marine life below.

Their food source comes from the famous Humboldt current, which flows northward from Antarctica and fosters an abundance of aquatic life. It was this current that gave the birds their name.

African Penguin

The African Penguin is another species that does not live in an arctic climate. Even so, these penguins still boast plenty of dense, waterproof feathers that keep them warm in the cold waters surrounding African coastlines.

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They have dark spots on their white chests, and each spot pattern is as unique as a human fingerprint. African Penguins are identifiable by their distinctly pointed beaks and all-black feet.

These penguins talk to one another using intricate vocalizations and specific body language. They are known to yell and bray at each other to attract mates, defend their territory, and locate their family members.

African Penguins have funny little bare patches just above each eye, and while they might look strange, these patches help them stay cold in a more temperate climate.

King Penguin

King Penguins are the second-largest penguin species behind the Emperor Penguin. They grow up to thirty-five inches tall and weigh in at a whopping forty-five pounds.

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These penguins are native to sub-Antarctic islands, but they can live as far north as Patagonia.

They have orange-colored ear patches and a thin strip on their upper chests. They form large colonies with hundreds of thousands of breeding pairs.

King Penguins mainly eat lantern fish during the breeding season and lots of squid in the frigid winter months. Their main predators are killer whales and leopard seals.

Chinstrap Penguin

These types of penguins were named for a narrow black band of feathers found under their heads. The feathers resemble a popular style of facial hair.

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Male and female Chinstrap Penguins look very similar, but the male penguins are generally heavier and larger than their female counterparts. They inhabit islands in the South Atlantic, the Antarctic Peninsula, and New Zealand.

These penguins are prolific hunters and are constantly foraging for food throughout the day and night.

They tend to dive for prey the most at midnight and noon. Chinstrap Penguins enjoy a diet of fish and krill that live close to their breeding colonies.

Fairy Penguin

This adorable specimen is one of the more whimsical species out of all the other different kinds of penguins.

A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (10)

Australians call them Fairy Penguins, while New Zealanders refer to them as the Little Blue penguin.

Their name comes from their blue feathers and their diminutive size, as Fairy penguins are the smallest penguins in the world.

They will only grow to be about a foot tall and do not usually get about two and a half pounds.

A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (11)

Compared to other birds their size, Fairy Penguins have a very long lifespan that can be upwards of twenty years.

The island-dwelling Fairy Penguins spend up to eighteen hours a day in the water and subsist primarily on small fish, krill, and squid.

Adelie Penguin

You can spot an Adelie Penguin by identifying the white rings around its eyes. It is rather difficult to tell between males and females in this species because they look so similar. They enjoy sliding across the ice on their bellies when there’s enough snowfall to permit it.

A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (12)

These penguins breed and molt on small islands all around the coast of Antarctica or wherever they can find an exposed rock.

Almost one hundred thousand breeding pairs return to their mating grounds every year. These adult penguins can swim nearly seven hundred and fifty miles away from their breeding site to hunt.

Northern Rockhopper Penguin

This penguin species is one of the smallest crested penguins in the world. They weigh up to five pounds and spend most of their time at sea.

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When they are not swimming in the deep, they nest on islands in the Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic.

One of several Rockhopper penguin species known to man, these birds got their name based on how they use thick-skinned feet to hop around rocky terrain when they come up from the deep.

Northern Rockhoppers have bright yellow eyebrows and red eyes, along with white chests and bellies. They are known for their territorial behavior and their spunky natures.

Yellow-eyed Penguin

Of all the penguin species that live in and around New Zealand, the Yellow-eyed Penguin is the largest.

A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (14)

They are tall birds with striking pale-yellow feathers that appear on their necks and around their eyes.

Their eyes are also yellow, and though males and females look similar, males are generally larger.

They have nesting grounds on the coasts of Stewart Island and South Island, along with the Auckland and Campbell Islands.

A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (15)

Yellow-eyed Penguins prefer to breed on exposed cliffs or in coastal scrub and mature coastal forests. They feed mainly on squid, red cod, sprat, and opal fish.

Southern Rockhopper Penguin

Another variant of the Rockhopper species, Southern Rockhoppers generally weigh a little less than Northern Rockhoppers and are one of the smallest penguins on this list.

A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (16)

They have similar markings as Northern Rockhoppers, like vibrant yellow eyebrows and bright orange beaks.

These penguins like to nest near rocky shores around sub-Antarctic islands. They split the duty of caring for offspring evenly between males and females, and females tend to lay two eggs at a time.

Southern Rockhoppers are hunted mainly by killer whales, fur seals, and sea lions, while they enjoy eating crustaceans, krill, squid, and smaller fish.

Magellanic Penguin

Native to the Strait of Magellan in South America, these penguins are lightning-fast swimmers who hunt anchovies, sardines, and squid.

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You can spot them by the two distinct black stripes which stretch across their chests. They weigh in at around eleven pounds and can grow up to twenty-eight inches tall.

Magellanic Penguins can live to be around twenty years old and reach sexual maturity at the age of four.

They tend to gravitate towards the more temperate regions of southern South America, and these birds like to nest in burrows, grassy shorelines, and on the side of cliff faces.

Australian Little Penguin

You can only find Little Penguins in southern Australia and parts of New Zealand. They have colonies from Perth on the west coast down to the island of Tasmania.

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On Phillip Island, a small Little Penguin colony offers close views of the birds in the Penguin Parade.

These tiny birds only measure in at a foot tall and about two and a half pounds. You can differentiate between male and female Little Penguins because females have thinner beaks than males and the males also have hooks at the end of their beaks.

Emperor Penguin

The Emperor Penguin is the world’s largest penguin, with adult birds weighing up to eighty-eight pounds when their breeding season begins.

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They are a long-lived species, and some Emperors can live forty years or more. They are very fat, with lots of blubber to keep them warm in the world’s most inhospitable climate.

Emperor Penguins are highly social animals, and unlike all the other different types of penguins, these birds are not territorial.

They tend to huddle together for warmth and keep each other safe through winter storms instead of battling for mates and territory.

Macaroni Penguin

Macaroni Penguins live throughout the Subantarctic and the Antarctic Peninsula. They have white bellies and black heads with red eyes, yellow eyebrows, and a heavy orange bill. They weigh up to fourteen pounds and eat squid, krill, small fish, and crustaceans.

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There are more Macaroni Penguins in the world than any other different type of penguin. There are an estimated nine million breeding pairs worldwide.

Sadly, warming sea temperatures and pollution have seen a fifty percent decline in the Macaroni Penguin population in the last forty years.

Snares Penguin

Snares Penguins, named after their home on New Zealand’s Snares Islands, spend much less time at sea than many other different kinds of penguins.

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They range in size from nineteen to twenty-four inches in length and weigh around six and a half pounds. You can identify Snares Penguins by their red eyes, yellow crests, and large red bills.

They prefer to breed in forests from September to January, where they keep their eggs safe amidst shallow nests made of mud and twigs.

Once hatched, their chicks are closely guarded for three weeks. The oldest recorded Snares Penguin lived to be twenty years old, and the species reaches sexual maturity at about four years old.

Erect-crested Penguin

An average Erect-crested Penguin will weigh around ten pounds and measure in at twenty-six inches.

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They get their name from the bright yellow stripe that originates over their eyes to form an erect crest above their heads.

These penguins prefer to live on packed ice and the waters below it. They only breed on two islands in New Zealand, Antipodes Island and Bounty Island.

Erect-crested Penguins live anywhere from fifteen to twenty years old in the wild. They mainly eat krill and squid but also dine on some small fish.

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Unfortunately, this penguin’s population totals have trended downward for decades due to environmental concerns and overfishing.

Eastern Rockhopper Penguin

We have already discussed two closely related penguin species so far, the Northern and Southern Rockhopper penguins.

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Some researchers believe the Eastern Rockhopper is genetically distinct from those other Rockhoppers.

These penguins breed on subantarctic islands in New Zealand and Australia, and the Indian Ocean.

Eastern Rockhopper Penguins rarely spend much time on land, visiting only when they need to breed and molt in the spring, summer, and early fall.

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They spend about seven months out of the year at sea. They can travel vast distances that cover thousands and thousands of miles when hunting for food before returning home again.

Allied King Penguin

While King Penguins live near Antarctica and South America, Allied King Penguins inhabit islands in the southern Indian and Pacific oceans.

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It can be confusing to tell Allied King and regular King Penguins apart otherwise because there are no identifiable differences. Even so, the two species are genetically distinct.

Unlike King Penguins, they are less uniform in length and width, as their sizes vary widely based on their diets.

The different islands these birds inhabit influence how large they can grow, and those diets will differ from island to island.

Gentoo Penguin

Gentoo Penguins are one of the most distinct-looking penguin species on our list. They have unique white patches above their eyes and bright orange beaks that immediately identify this type of penguin.

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Gentoos are native to subantarctic islands, where they prefer to forage, breed, and nest in chilly temperatures.

Gentoo Penguins can swim as fast as twenty-two miles per hour! They are relatively small, only weighing about twelve pounds. They love to eat squid, small fish, and crustaceans.

White Flippered Penguin

The White Flippered Penguin is one of the smaller penguins on this list, with a body length of just over sixteen inches and weighing in at just over three pounds.

A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (28)

These minuscule penguins have blue-grey dorsal feathers and a white underside. They prefer to live in rock jumbles, headlands, caves, and other sheltered areas near the sea.

They inhabit an area surrounding Canterbury, New Zealand, and breed on Motunau Island and the Banks Peninsula.

These birds lay their eggs from July to December, though most eggs are laid in August through November.

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White-flippered Penguins lay their eggs in a burrow lined with plant material or in hidden hollows beneath dunes, rocks, and bushes.

Fiordland Penguin

These west New Zealand-based penguins are strikingly tall and boast broad yellow eyebrows that fall around their necks.

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They have bright orange bills with no skin at the bill’s base. Fiordland Penguins molt and breed in thick shrubbery, deep caves, and dense coastal forests on South Island and Stewart Island.

They have deep red irises and sporadically place white feathers adorning their cheeks. They also have adorable little pink legs and a funny walk, making them lots of fun to watch.

Fiordland Penguins can live up to twenty years and spend seventy-five percent of their lives at sea.


A Guide to the Different Types of Penguins - American Oceans (2024)


What type of penguin is Cody Maverick? ›

Shia LaBeouf as Cody Maverick, a 17-year old rockhopper penguin who dreams of being a surfer. Jeff Bridges as Zeke "Big Z/Geek" Topanga, Cody's idol and a famous surfer emperor penguin. Zooey Deschanel as Lani Aliikai, a Gentoo penguin lifeguard and Cody's love interest.

What is the difference between Humboldt and Magellanic penguins? ›

The country's main colony of Magellanic penguin lives there. Although it is often confused with its Humboldt relative by its similar size, the Magellanic penguin is distinguished by having two black lines on its chest instead of one.

Are there 17 or 18 species of penguins? ›

There are currently 18 extant species of penguins recognised by the International Ornithologists' Union, distributed among six genera. Many species of fossil penguins are known from the Paleocene onwards; however, their exact number and taxonomy are unsettled due to ongoing discoveries.

What type of penguins does Seaworld have? ›

Our penguin population includes Emperor and King penguins, and smaller Adelie, Gentoo, Chinstrap and Macaroni penguins.

Is Pen Gu Island real? ›

Penghu Isands are in the Taiwan Strait, off the west coast of Taiwan. The 90 islands in this archipelago are mainly made of sand, many of them are very small. The Portuguese call these islands "the Pescadores" or fishermen's islands.

Why did Big Z fake his death? ›

Realizing that he couldn't complete with Tank and was tired to be a surfer, Big Z faked his death and became a chamán of the Pen Gu Island named Geek. The Big Z Memorial Surf Off was created in his honor, which was won by Tank nine times in a row.

What is the bravest penguin species? ›

Chinstrap Penguin

They're found in Antarctica, the Sandwich Islands, and other southern island chains, where they live on barren islands and congregate on icebergs during winter. Experts consider these birds to be the most aggressive species of penguin — they even steal rocks from each other to improve their own nests.

Are rockhopper and macaroni penguins the same? ›

The Macaroni Penguin is a crested penguin similar to the Rockhopper. Like the Rockhopper it is migratory arriving in the Islands each summer to breed. Macaroni penguins are slightly larger than the rockhopper penguin with distinctive golden orange head plumes which spread out and back from the forehead.

What are black and white penguins called? ›

Named after Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who spotted the birds in 1520, the Magellanic penguin is known for its black body and white belly – countershading that helps it avoid predators while swimming.

What is the cutest penguin alive? ›

Adélie penguin

For many people, Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) are by far the cutest species, but did you know that these Antarctic predators are one of the region's most fierce hunters. Unfortunately, climate change is affecting their food source and thousands of their chicks starve every year.

Did penguins exist in Ice Age? ›

The study of how climate change has affected emperor penguins over the last 30,000 years found that only three populations may have survived during the last ice age, and that the Ross Sea in Antarctica was likely the refuge for one of these populations.

Do penguins have teeth? ›

6. Like other birds, penguins don't have teeth. Instead, they have backward-facing fleshy spines that line the inside of their mouths. These help them guide their fishy meals down their throat.

What is a mega penguin? ›

It was until recently thought to have been approximately the size of its congener Palaeeudyptes antarcticus, which would mean it was somewhat larger than the modern emperor penguin, but a new study shows it was in fact almost twice as tall, earning it the nickname “Mega Penguin”.

Can you touch a penguin at SeaWorld? ›

Possibility to touch a penguin, but it is not guaranteed. Reservation only valid on the day and time of your reservation. Park admission is not included with your program reservation but is required. Due to the special nature of this program, space is limited and early reservations are recommended.

Does Florida have penguins? ›

Play with our lively, lovable birds. Penguins in Florida? African black footed penguins are an endangered species of penguins native to southern Africa. Therefore, the warm temperatures of the Florida panhandle provide ideal living conditions for our resident penguins.

Is Cody a macaroni penguin? ›

Macaroni Penguins such as Cody Maverick from the movie "Surfs Up" live in the arctic. 8th Science. Mlcak CJ E. Ecosystem Board.

What kind of penguin is Raul? ›

Raul is a supporting character in Happy Feet and a minor character in Happy Feet Two. He is a male adélie penguins who is a member of the Amigos, and the only member of his group who doesn't possesses hair.

What kind of penguin is mumble? ›

Mumble is the only Emperor penguin chick in Antarctica who can't sing. His friend Gloria (voiced by Brittany Murphy) has a glorious voice, but Mumble can never hope to attract a mate without a 'heart song', the personal tune that all Emperor penguins must have.

What kind of penguin is Ramon? ›

After escaping from a leopard seal attack, Mumble befriends five Adelie penguins named Ramón, Nestor, Lombardo, Rinaldo and Raul, known collectively as "the Amigos", who embrace Mumble's dance moves and assimilate him into their group.


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